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Emsculpt: Effective Muscle Sculpting

Published on March 4, 2020
woman in black undergarments posing with arms in air in front of blue background

Do you have a hard time maintaining an exercise routine? Are you searching for new ways to tone your abs and buttocks? If you’d like the perfect new way to stimulate your muscles in a way they’ve never been stimulated before, then Emsculpt might be for you.

The Power Of Contraction

Emsculpt is a non-invasive body contouring procedure that removes fat, tightens skin, and firms your body. By lying down and placing the Emsculpt paddles on your body, it’s able to create high intensity focused electromagnetic energy to stimulate your muscle cells and trigger your metabolism.

Your fat cells are triggered to break down, and your muscles are triggered for supramaximal contractions. These contractions are incredible at achieving results, and are not easily achieved by any normal exercise.

The Emsculpt equipment comes with two phases: A work phase and a rest phase for optimal stimulation and relaxation.

  • The work phase involves a 30 minute session that creates 20,000 supramaximal contractions to strengthen, tone, and firm your muscles.
  • The rest phase involves the machine flushing your lactic acid away to let the muscles recuperate as quickly as possible.

Thirty minutes later, you’ll have no swelling, no redness, and only the strong sensation of having just exercised. You’ll even feel fatigued the next day as if you did a regular workout.

A sponsored study with Emsculpt equipment found that patients achieved 19% reductions in subcutaneous fat, 15% increased thickness in the muscle fibers, and an overall 1.7 inch reduction in the stomach with months of constant use.

Emsculpt provides serious results, but only with consistent and disciplined use.
Consult your doctor to see if this body contouring procedure will work for you.

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