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Botox® relaxes targeted muscles, making it an effective solution for a number of concerns.

  • Smooths the appearance of facial fine lines and wrinkles
  • Lifts the eyebrows
  • Provides a “Lip Flip” for an inevitable pout
  • Reduces clenching of the masseter muscle (teeth & jaw)
  • Treats hyperhydrosis (excessive sweating)


What is Botox®?

Botox® is a popular injectable that has been safely used therapeutically for nearly 20 years. its most common use is as a cosmetic treatment to reduce and prevent facial wrinkling. Botox® is a purified protein derived from a botulinum toxin. It’s FDA-approved for treating and preventing moderate to severe wrinkles for clients starting at age 18


How does Botox® Work?

Botox®, a neuromuscular inhibitor, blocks the signals to the targeted muscles and prevents them from fully articulating to the degree that leads to wrinkles. Low doses of the solution are injected under the skin, thus allowing the muscles to relax. Keep in mind, botox® clients are still fully capable of articulating expressions on their faces because the effects are highly localized using the precise dosage

What will the treatment be like?

The treatment process is quick and convenient. You ould receive Botox® injections almsot anywhere, and the procedure is so fast you could have done it during your lunch break at work.

Once the initial consultation is complete, the Aesthetic Nurse Injector can determine the exact does and treatment locations. No anesthesia is required, but a topical numbing agent can be applied beforehand per the client’s request. The practitioner then carefully administers Botox® with a tiny syringe into the targeted muscles. The entire process takes about 15 minutes, and the patient is free to carry on normal activities without the need for recovery or downtime.

Botox® side effects are uncommon, and when they do occur, they are generally minimal and mild. potential side effects may include temporary drooping of the eyelid, minor discomfort in the injection site, inflammation and tenderness. Sometimes there can be minor discoloration like bruisingthat will go away on it’s own fairly quickly.


What will the treatment be like?

The reduction of your wrinkles becomes visible within a few days of your treatment. You see and feel instantly how the injections will “freeze” the muscles to prevent the creases that caused the lines in the first place. There may be a small amount of swelling and redness around the Botox® injection site, but these should be mild will subside after a day. There is no downtime required after your Botox® treatment, and most clients resume their normal activities right away.

The Botox® solution remains effective for up to three months, and can become more effective and last longer when the treatment is done routinely as maintenance. Some clients return for refresher injections every three months, which is ideal for long-lasting and effective wrinkle prevention.

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