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The Power of Emsculpt

Published on October 7, 2021
close up of muscular male torso in front of black background

For some people, getting rid of stubborn fat and toning muscles is not something that can be easily accomplished through traditional methods like dieting and exercise. At SculptMe, we know understand that reaching your body goals is something that you may need help with. That is why we offer body contouring treatments with Emsculpt.

Build Muscle and Burn Fat with Emsculpt

Emsculpt is an amazing non-surgical treatment that can help you burn away stubborn body fat as well as tighten and tone muscles. Emsculpt is a non-invasive treatment that uses HIFEM® technology to stimulate muscle contractions within the treated areas. The energy emitted by the Emsculpt treatment causes the muscles to rapidly contact over the course of a 30-minute treatment. This both strengthens muscles and reduces body fat.

Emsculpt is an FDA-cleared treatment that can be safely used on both women and men. Emsculpt can be used to treat both the abdomen and the buttocks. The amount of Emsculpt treatments needed can vary between patients based on their desired results.

Ready for Your Emsculpt Treatment?

If you are looking for a way to get rid of the stubborn body and build muscle around your abdomen or buttocks, contact SculptMe today to schedule a consultation for your Emsculpt treatment in Boston. Our team specializes in non-surgical body contouring treatments and can answer any question you may have about Emsculpt and what to expect from your treatment.

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