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Do you find yourself wondering how to get rid of double chin fat?

Nobody wants to feel like they look out of shape or tired, and one persistent cause of these feelings is a double chin. Stubborn fatty tissue deposits in the submental area, the region below the chin, cause this aesthetic issue. With Kybella, the newest submental-fat-reduction option, clients can rid themselves of that unwanted double chin.

A double chin can cause embarrassment in social situations and a loss of self-confidence. The aging process, genetics, and weight gain are some of the many potential causes of this issue.

Even people in good shape may be dealing with a double chin; by that same token, dieting and exercise routines are not always an effective solution to the problem. Simple Kybella injections can take away the appearance of a double chin by getting rid of the excess fat in the area. This targeted reduction brings the chin into proper proportion with the face and neck.

Non-Surgical Double Chin Fat Removal With Kybella

For years, the medical industry and our clients have been looking for a way to get rid of a double chin without liposuction surgery. For many clients, double chin surgery is an intimidating prospect that typically requires downtime and may be accompanied by an uncomfortable recovery process.

Strict clinical trials have resulted in the FDA-approved Kybella, a safe and effective way to remove stubborn submental fat – no surgery or incisions required. It’s the only FDA-approved injectable double-chin reduction method on the market today.

Without their double chins, clients gain more confidence and a better self-image. They also view themselves as thinner and younger-looking.

How Kybella Works

Kybella is a treatment formulated from non-animal-derived deoxycholic acid. Deoxycholic acid is a chemical in the body that naturally emulsifies dietary fats in the system.

When employed as an injectable treatment, this chemical dissolves the walls of the unwanted fat cells that contribute to the appearance of a double chin. Over time, the body naturally removes these disabled cells, and the proportions of the submental area shrink to match the rest of the face and neck.

The Kybella Double Chin Treatment

Your non-surgical Kybella double chin removal procedure will be short compared to most treatments, only taking around 15 to 20 minutes to complete. Because it is so quick and convenient, it is considered a “lunchtime procedure,” a treatment that clients can get on their lunch breaks before returning to work – no downtime needed.

The procedure begins with applying a local anesthetic to the submental region to numb it. Once the area is suitably numbed, Kybella injections target the fat cells, eliminating them.

While you can see results after a single treatment, many clients require additional treatments to attain their desired results. Around three treatments of Kybella fat dissolving injections are typically needed.

Kybella Recovery

 Once the procedure is complete, the submental region may have temporary swelling and/or bruising. The swelling will peak after a few days and will slowly subside over the coming weeks, and your final Kybella results will start to show.
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